Children’s Choice
Book Award
2015/16 winner
juvenile fiction
6 – 8th gradesMy Brother's Story

A competition judge solely by young readers. Sponsored by the Alabama Department of Education/Division of Library Services.

Independent Publisher's
Moonbeam Children’s
Book Award
2015 Gold winner
Pre-Teen Fiction (Mystery)The Dead House

My Brother’s Story has been recognized as a juvenile fiction silver winner in the 17th annual INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards.

Each year, Foreword Reviews shines a light on a select group of writers—published by independent publishers and university presses— whose work stands out from the crowd.

Independent Publisher's IPPY Award 2015 Bronze winner
best juvenile fictionMy Brother's Story

Independent Publisher's
Moonbeam Children’s
Book Award
2014 Silver winner
best chapter book seriesBlackwater Novels Series

Identical twins Johnny and Will are orphaned and separated as toddlers. Johnny is adopted by and abusive aunt. When he grows into boyhood, he runs away and is sheltered by Linc, a reclusive black man who lives deep in the Blackwater Swamp. My Brother’s Story tells of the twins’ adventures as they struggle to reunite.

Rad Fox, a boy who lives on the Blackwater River, and family friend, Dr. Jordan Mason, discover an evil presence at the old Granger House. Johnny and Will come to visit Linc, and Johnny gets deathly ill.

Join Johnny, Will, Rad and Sam when they camp on, and explore Hogg Island, an island in the Blackwater River. In A Nest of Snakes, good people come together to confront the hatred of the Ku Klux Klan.

Sample Below

Romance On I-65

Expressway travel, like plane travel, is a non-experience . . . hours of boredom with the ever-present possibility of sudden death.

Traveling south on I-65, from Birmingham to Pensacola, there is an amusing sign with a likeness of the devil that says: “Go to church or the devil will get you!” My wife and I can chuckle over this for a few miles; then monotony reasserts itself. There are, however, some interesting green road signs—each with the names of two upcoming towns. Four of these double-name signs (TYSON / MONTGOMERY, GEORGIANA / STARLINGTON, JEMISON / THORSBY and GRACE/GARLAND) inspired my wife and me to compose this sultry yet tender . . . taut but smoldering, antebellum romance.

GEORGIANA STARLINGTON, clad in her petticoat, pouted in front of her full-length mirror. She had been holding her cascading auburn curls away from her neck while powdering her already perfect creamy shoulders. She spoke to her cousin, GRACE GARLAND.

“Ah do so hate it when it’s sticky! Grace, darlin’, how am I to look cool and fresh for the ball tonight? Ah know my silk dress (seeulk drayus) will simply wilt (weeult) in this heat!”
Grace—lovely in her own right, with olive skin and dark brown hair framing her small, oval face—cast a cynical, brown-eyed glance at her beautiful cousin.

“Georgiana, you have everything (evruhthing)—beauty, love . . . everything—and still you’re never (nevuh) satisfied. Do you think for a minute that TYSON MONTGOMERY will care if your silk dress is a little limp (leeump)?”

Georgiana had, in fact, just been imagining Tyson, her tall, hawk-like Confederate captain, resplendent in his gray uniform. She had been seeing herself sweeping down the long, curving staircase to greet him while the light of a hundred candles caused her green silk gown and auburn curls to twinkle with jewel-like fires.

Grace would have been more patient, but her cousin’s pouting remark had interrupted her own reverie. Reclining on the chaise in her petticoat, she had been dreaming of JEMISON THORSBY, the tall, black-haired young doctor who was visiting from Savannah. Grace had met Jemison only two days ago, but his eyes had locked onto hers with a dark intensity that made her catch her breath with a little gasp. . . .

I would tell you more about how the lives of these four young people were entwined—only to be driven asunder by the war—but the Evergreen exit is coming up, and it’s time for turnip greens and fried chicken at the Quality Inn!